Every once in a while Cheri wanders out into the world. Say hi, nab swag, and talk romance at these upcoming events!

  • October, 24-26, 2025: Fall in Love New England Romance Reader/Author Event, Book Signing open to the public! (I will be attending Friday and Saturday!)
  • October, 4-5, 2024: Fall in Love New England Romance Reader/Author Event, Book Signing open to the public!
  • July 8, 2023: RomantiConn Author Signing Event–BOOK SIGNING, DOOR PRIZES–tickets $25.
  • October, 20-21, 2023: Fall in Love New England Romance Reader/Author Event, Book Signing open to the public!
  • October 15-16, 2021: Fall in Love New England Reader and Romance Author Conference; SATURDAY BOOK SIGNING OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!
  • November 30, 2019, 6:00 PM EST: “Love is Funny” AUTHOR PANEL and BOOK SIGNING
  • October 19, 2019, BOOK SIGNING at Fall In Love with New England Conference. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!
  • October 18-19, 2019 Fall In Love with New England Reader/Author Conference
  • August 17, 2019 Indie Bookstore Romance Day–author panel and book signing

ATTENDING AUTHOR: Join dozens of your favorite romance authors for a massive signing event. One day only! Door prizes and swag galore!

When: Saturday, July 8, 2023, 12-4 pm EST
Where: Trumball Marriott Shelton, 180 Hawley Lane, Trumball, CT 06611
Details and Ticket Sales info: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/romanticonn-202https://www.eventbrite.com/e/romanticonn-2023-a-romance-author-signing-event-tickets-4751715097772-tickets-234015144597

ATTENDING AUTHOR: Every year it just gets better! Join dozens of your favorite romance writers and fellow romance reader fans for an activity and laughter-packed weekend!

When: Friday and Saturday, October 20-21, 2023
Where: Best Western Royal Plaza Hotel & Trade , 181 Boston Post Rd W, Marlborough, MA 01752
Details and Conference Registration Info: www.fallinlovenewengland.com 

We’re ba-aaack! Join dozens of your favorite romance writers and fellow romance readers for a two-day event full of swag, fun, and books! Can’t make the whole conference? Come for the book signing on Saturday, October 16, from 6-8:30 PM — open to the public!

When: Friday and Saturday, October 15 and 16, 2021
Where: Boxborough Regency, Boxborough, MA
Details and Conference Registration Info: www.fallinlovenewengland.com 

Come and immerse yourself in the fun and romance of your favorite genre. Meet and greets, giveaways, swag, workshops, author panels, costumed “trick or treat” party and Halloween dinner, and more!

BOOK SIGNING and AUTHOR PANEL: Relax after a day of holiday shopping and join me and fellow romance writers, Peggy Jaeger and Lisa Olech, as we chat about one of our favorite themes: “Love is Funny: Three Romance Authors Talk About Humor in Fiction”

Do you love a good RomCom? Wish you could “write funny?” Our panel of authors will dish on humor in their lives, their books, and why writing “funny” is something they’re passionate about. Together we’ll explore types of humor, taboo topics, and more. Join us! We’ll be signing both prior titles and new releases at the end of the talk, so stop by. Will have chocolate and swag.

When: November 30, 2019, 6:00 pm EST
Where: The Toadstool Bookshop, 12 Emerald Street, Keene, NH

BOOK SIGNING with dozens of romance writers. 🙂 Meet your favorite romance writers, nab fabulous swag, and celebrate romance!

Join dozens of romance readers and writers for the 2019 Fall in Love with New England Conference!
When: Friday and Saturday, October, 18 & 19, 2019
Where: Holiday Inn & Suites, Nashua, NH
Details and Registration Info: www.fallinlovewithnewengland.com
Come and immerse yourself in the fun and romance of your favorite genre. Meet and greets, giveaways, swag, workshops, author panels, costumed “trick or treat”, and more!

Celebrate Indie Bookstore Romance Day!
When: Saturday, August 17, 2019, 4:00 PM
Where: Toadstool Bookshop, 12 Emerald Street, Keene, NH
We’ve got a panel of romance writers ready to tell all, sign books and give out swag. All are welcome!

Indie Bookstore Romance Day discussion and signing event